Monday, 1 June 2015

Men and Women

Men and women are equal in my country; you can see women doing what men did long time ago like electrician, mechanic, nursing, etc. At this time, it is more different than before, women have the same opportunities to get a job including being involved in politics that there are women working in the national parliament. Now, there is an election to choose a new leader province in Mexico which there is a woman who may be able to win the election.


  1. Your country is so great! But there are a lot of country that has women discrimination. I hope that all country will be such a good country someday.

  2. Alberta now has its second female premier. I think three or four other provinces do as well, but it's less common in other countries. I hope the female leader in Mexico is successful.

    At this time, it is different than before. Women have the same opportunities to get a job including being involved in politics, so there are women working in the national parliament.
